21.8 Web Linking to Data in Geneious Prime

It is possible to create web links which will open data in Geneious Prime when they are clicked in another program. This only works on Windows and Mac OS and Geneious Prime has to be installed on the machine where the link is clicked. Note that some browsers (including Safari on MacOS) may not support these type of links.

There are two types of links supported:

  1. A link which will download and import a file from a given location into Geneious Prime. To do this, use the following form of URL:


    For example, to download and import the pET15-MHL vector from the Addgene Plasmid Repository, use

    To open a file in a local folder, use the following format:

    The file can be of any format which Geneious Prime is able to import (see 3.2 ), including plugin format. Only one file can be linked to in this way.

  2. A link which will select documents which are already stored in Geneious Prime, either in your local folders or a Shared Database. To do this, use the following form of URL:


    or to select several documents:


    To find the URN of a document, click on the small column selector button at the top-right corner of the document table and enable the URN column. You can then right-click on the URN of a document in the table and choose Copy URN.

    For documents in the Shared Database, you can automatically create a web link to a document by right clicking on the document and going Copy link to Document. This can also be performed for multiple selected documents. The full web link (not just the URN) will then be copied to the clipboard. If the link is opened or clicked in another program, such as a web browser or chat program, Geneious Prime will automatically open with these documents selected. The link can also be pasted into the search box in Geneious to quickly find the document. Anyone who has access to the same Shared Database can use the link.