8.1.2 The Annotations Table

The Annotations tab appears above the sequence viewer whenever sequences containing annotations are selected. It displays each annotation as a row in a table, with columns corresponding to the qualifiers for the annotations. Selection of annotations is synchronised with other viewers, such as the sequence viewer and dotplot.

To change what is displayed in the annotations table, use the buttons above the table:

To further filter what is visible in the table, use the filter box at the top right of the table. Filtering is only done against the currently visible columns for each annotation.

To export the visible rows and columns of your annotations table, click Export table. This exports the table to a CSV (comma-separated values) file.

The Extract and Translate buttons will create a new document from the selected annotation(s). Extract extracts the region of the selected annotation to a new document. Translate translates the nucleotides in the region of the selected annotation into amino acids, using your choice of reading frame and genetic code, and saves it to a new protein document.

Annotations table functions can also be accessed via a popup menu when right-clicking on one or more selected annotations in the table. This menu contains options for copying the selected value, extracting, translating, showing on sequence, editing and deleting the selected annotations. The show on sequence function in this list will show the selected annotations in the sequence viewer.